All of these Harris RPM2 files requires serial number and/or master dongle from Harris. License is validated via Internet and issues per customer/per PC by Harris. This is the reason why it cannot be shared and used by many people. And the bad news is that we don't have any serial number, crack, patch, etc. for you. This is well protected software and uses Harris AAC Admin (software licensing client). It allows Harris to sell their software for $1,095 with the dongle or for $895 with no dongle. But this is not only the problem. You must be part of military or government to get you request processed. If you are private person, commercial company, they will not process your order (unlike Motorola, Kenwood and other brands). What's the bottom line? We cannot offer you any patch, crack, key or something. But we have a great source of licenses with a great discount. It's still not a couple hundred bucks, but not a thousand. Contact us via email if you're interested in.