{\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0 \fswiss Calibri;}{\f1 \fmodern Courier;}} {\colortbl;\red255\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue255;} \widowctrl\hyphauto\fs22 APX Family Radios CPS/RM R33.00.01 Release What’s New in CPS/RM (R33.00.01): - Expanded Tone Signaling functionality for all APX Standard BN devices to allow all tones (up to 100) in a given Tone Signaling List to be decoded. The following fields are now configurable for all tones within a Tone Signaling List: - Portables and Mobiles: - Radio Ergonomics Configuration -> Tone Signaling Configuration -> Tone Signaling List -> - Unmute Enable - Alert Tone - Mobiles Only: - Radio Ergonomics Configuration -> Tone Signaling Configuration -> Tone Signaling List -> - External Control - Added new Voice Announcement and TTS Announcement fields for the Channel Fallback feature at Radio Ergonomics Configuration -> Voice Announcements -> Voice Announcement Wide -> Channel Fallback On and Channel Fallback Off, which allows a user to configure a voice prompt to be played when turning Channel Fallback On or Off. Additionally two new Voice Announcement files are now included with the installation. These VA files are located at the following paths: - C:\ProgramData\Motorola\ApxFamilyCPS\Common\VoiceAnnouncementMvaFiles\ - auto_fallback_OFF.mva - auto_fallback_ON.mva - C:\ProgramData\Motorola\ApxFamilyCPS\Common\VoiceAnnouncementWavFiles\ - auto_fallback_OFF.wav - auto_fallback_ON.wav They can be imported at Radio Ergonomics Configuration -> Voice Announcements -> Voice Announcement List. - Added support for MACE and Software ADP Keyloading across Multi-System OTAR Encryption Key Lists for all radio models. A new field has been added at Secure Configuration -> Secure Wide -> Encryption Key List -> Algorithm. Additionally a few new fields have been added at Secure Configuration -> ASTRO OTAR Profile -> Encryption Key List - Algorithm - Selectable ADP Key Data - Selectable ADP Key ID Note: After writing a codeplug to the radio, the ADP Key values will become hidden in CPS for security purposes. - Added functionality which allows a user to enable or disable the LTE feature on APX NEXT and APX N70. A new checkbox has been added for APX NEXT at Data Configuration -> Data Wide -> LTE -> Allow LTE Configurability. Note: This feature is always applicable for APX NEXT and only applicable for APX N70 radios that are ordered with the LTE HW Enablement (QA08887) model option. - Added support for Channel Search on Data buttons for capable APX Standard models. A new selection has been added at the following locations: Radio Ergonomics Configuration -> Controls - Buttons - Control Head - O3 - Control Head - O7 - Control Head - O9 - Keypad Mic And Accessories - Data -> Conventional/ Trunking Feature -> Channel Search - Added support for Broadband Protection for APX 8500 CN, TXM 3000 CN and select mobile models. This feature can be configured at Conventional Configuration -> Conventional Personality -> Advanced -> Broadband Protection and Trunking Configuration -> Trunking Personality -> General -> Broadband Protection. - Added support for ViQi: Virtual Partner to permit users to enable the feature when User Login Authentication Type is set to “Device Certificate”, which allows Virtual Partner to be used against Non-CJIS compliant features. Note: This functionality is restricted to U.S. customers only. - Added editing capability for Bluetooth and NFC Touch Pairing features for WM800 RSM with APX NEXT. A new selection was added at Radio Wide -> Bluetooth -> Bluetooth Pairing Type -> None, which allows a user to disable the pairing type. Additionally new fields were added at Radio Wide -> Bluetooth - Standard NFC Touch Pairing - Secure NFC Touch Pairing - Added support for WM800 to allow RSM to reach a “near zero” volume level by configuring the minimum volume settings at Radio Ergonomics Configuration -> Radio Profiles -> Audio Settings -> Speaker/RX Settings - Volume Control -> Minimum Audio Volume - Alert Tones -> Minimum Volume - Added support for the Digital Conventional PTT Tone for all APX Standard AN devices. This feature can be configured at Conventional Configuration -> Conventional Personality -> Tx Options -> Talk Permit Tone. - In an effort to eliminate non-inclusive language, instances of the phrase “Man Down” have been replaced with Fall Alert. The following customer reported issues have been fixed in this release (R33.00.01): - In CPS, when performing a Clone after 30 seconds has passed since Reading Radio IDs, the job will fail for APX NEXT and N70. - In CPS, sometimes the application fails to load past the splash screen. - In Radio Management, after updating a radio’s codeplug version RM does not reflect this updated version number. - In Radio Management, if more than one job expires in a batch job the job container remains in a Pending state. - In Radio Management, in some cases the OTAR ID becomes uneditable where the codeplug version is less than R32. Trainings on new features for this release and CPS/RM usage: - ASTRO 25 Subscriber Release 2024.1 Training for APX will be available at the launch of the release through Motorola’s Learning Management System / LXP (https://learning.motorolasolutions.com) - Training on the APX CPS and Radio Management will be available at the launch of the release through Motorola’s Learning Management System / LXP (https://learning.motorolasolutions.com) - If you have generic questions about Radio Management installation, deployment, supported OS and troubleshooting you can refer to the Radio Management System Planner available through Motorola’s Learning Management System (https://learning.motorolasolutions.com/reference-guide/18714enus) for more details. IMPORTANT PROGRAMMING NOTES: - The .BBF file format is meant to replace the legacy .CVN file format used to upgrade the radio firmware. Additionally, it simplifies the upgrade process by including firmware upgrade components for both portable and mobile radios into one combined .BBF file. It also includes the firmware upgrade file for the APX 8000 and the APX 8500 All-Band radios. In order to use the new .BBF file format, be sure to select the .BBF file when browsing for a FLASHport file. Please note that .CVN files are still supported. - Even though the radio may be disconnected from the PC when the CPS programming is done, DO NOT TURN THE RADIO OFF if the updating process on the radio is still in progress. If an update is in progress, the radio will present the words: “Updating…” on the front and/or top display. This update can take up to 90 seconds after the CPS programming session has completed. - Always complete the current programming job session triggered by the programming tool (CPS, RM, or RC) before going to use the same or different programming tools (CPS, RM, or RC) to update the same radio(s) with a new job session, otherwise unexpected behavior may occur. - If you are upgrading the APX NEXT/N70 device firmware, please DO NOT unzip the firmware package file after you download it from MyView. Use the APX NEXT/N70 .zip file in CPS and for importing firmware into the RM database. - When using RM with APX NEXT/N70 devices and scheduling write jobs that change the device TLS-PSK, you should wait at least 15 seconds before scheduling any follow up jobs for the same device. Scheduling back to back jobs for the same device too quickly after changing PSK can result in a failure due to PSK mismatch. IMPORTANT INSTALLATION NOTES FOR CPS AND RADIO MANAGEMENT USERS: - Internet Explorer is no longer supported in CPS and RM applications. - Please uninstall Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime application if it's not used by other applications in your system. IMPORTANT INSTALLATION NOTES FOR RADIO MANAGEMENT USERS: - Before upgrading to a new version of Radio Management, please make sure to backup your database. RM Server Utility -> Database Settings -> Database Backup - Before upgrading, it is recommended to complete or cancel all the pending jobs before upgrading the RM Server. Pending jobs in the RM Server can, sometimes, cause undesirable behaviors. - Radio Management (RM) now supports HTTPS transport protocol. RM clients (RM Client, Device Programmer and Job Processor) are now required to connect to the server over HTTPS on port 443. Please ensure that 443 is added to the exception list on the Windows firewall and on any other firewall used within your organization. - If you are upgrading from R14.01.00 or earlier, please be aware: - All pending jobs will be canceled. - Any pending modifications (radios with change flags) will get discarded and are not recoverable. - Additional database migration procedures will be needed. See the Radio Management System Planner available through Motorola’s Learning Management System (https://learning.motorolasolutions.com/reference-guide/18714enus) for more details. - “One-time password” for the different RM components will need to be reset. - All authorized computers (including the server) will need to be re-added to the list of all authorized computers when using “Enable Computer Authorization”. - The following indicates the upgrade scheme for CPS/RM due to SQL Server compatibility restrictions: - If migrating from R14.00.00 or less then you must first upgrade to R17.00.00 - If migrating from R15.00.01 then you must first upgrade to R15.00.02 - If migrating to R33.00.01 from a version greater than R14.00.00 but less than R26.00.00, then you must first upgrade to R32.00.00 - User Authorization might need to be set up for RMC to communicate with the RM server. Additional information can be found in the Help under the Radio Management Server Utility. - After upgrading to a new version of RM, it is recommended to perform the “Rebuild Indexes” operation in RM Server Utility to improve performance. - If changing radio’s language outside Radio Management (with CPS), it is recommended to schedule a read job from Radio Management to update the template in the database. - If moving the Radio Management database, please make sure that the target location is accessible by “NETWORK SERVICE”. - Additional information about Radio Management deployment and installation can be found in the Radio Management System Planner available through Motorola’s Learning Management System. (https://learning.motorolasolutions.com/reference-guide/18714enus) To configure Radio Management to support the IMW Interface Improvements (Parallel OTAP programming): - Upgrade to IMW 5.2 and install the ASTRO^(®) POP25 RM Device Programmer in order to realize both the multiple programming sessions and improve efficiency of programming. - To install the ASTRO^(®) POP25 RM Device Programmer, double-click to launch MotorolaAstroPOP25RMDeviceProgrammer.exe from the installation media, or download and unzip the ASTRO POP25 Device Programmer for Radio Management file from Motorola On-Line or MyView. - Please review the Online Help topic titled “APX POP25 RM Device Programmer” for more information. Radio Management Security Reminder: Enabling and configuring Machine Authorization to secure the connections from the Radio Management Server to Device and Job Programmers is the most secure way to deploy your Radio Management system. Search for “Machine Authorization” in the Radio Management help for more details. System Requirements: For System Requirements, please refer to the Radio Management System Planner available through Motorola’s Learning Management System (https://learning.motorolasolutions.com/reference-guide/18714enus). NOTE: Touch screen functionality is not supported. If using the CPS/RM on a touch-screen monitor and experiencing performance issues, disable the touch screen and/or touch-pen capability. Supported APX Radios: - APX 8500HP - APX 8500 - APX 8000 - APX 8000H - APX 8000XE - APX 8000HXE - APX 7500 - APX 7000 - APX 7000XE - APX 6500 - APX 6500Li - APX 6000 - APX 6000XE - APX 6000Li - APX 4500 - APX 4500Li - APX 4000 - APX 4000 (2 knob) - APX 4000Li - APX 4000XH - APX 4000 900 MHz - APX 4000 900 MHz (2 knob) - APX 3000 - APX 2500 - SRX 2200 - APX 2000 - APX 2000 (2 knob) - APX 1500 - APX 1000 - APX1000i - APX 1000 900 MHz - APX 1000 900 MHz (2 knob) - APX 900 - TXM 2000 VHF - VX-P949 - ATS 2500p - TXM3000 - APX NEXT - APX N30 - APX N50 - APX N70 Special FCC Regulation Note: FCC NARROWBANDING MANDATE FOR ASTRO RADIOS - Per the FCC Rule Part 90 requirements on narrowbanding, VHF and UHF radios imported or manufactured after 12/31/2012 are no longer authorized to operate on 25 kHz channel bandwidth. The exception to Rule Part 90 narrowbanding requirements are for radios operating only within 470-512 MHz frequencies (T-Band), which will continue to support 25 kHz channel bandwidth functionality. The FCC requires that a radio is authorized to operate within the specified bandwidth and that the user is required to have a FCC license to operate in that mode. - NOTE: Specific frequencies in VHF and UHF are still allowed to operate at 25 kHz. Examples of VHF and UHF services that are not subject to Part 90 narrowband include: Part 80 marine frequencies, Part 87 aviation frequencies, Part 95, FRS/GMRS and MURS, Part 97 amateur frequencies, and NOAA weather channels. Known Issues: - When needed to perform Drag and Drop and you have Voice Announcement files, Customers either have to upload the Voice Announcements or Drag and Drop Voice Announcement node prior to Drag and Drop a zone. - There may be issues using USB 3.0 ports (marked as SS on the ports) where Read/Write operations may fail intermittently. To work around this issue, use a USB 2.0 port or USB 2.0 hub on USB 3.0 port. - In rare instances, it is possible that a radio may fail to be detected by the Device Programmer. If this occurs, disconnect and power down the radio, then re-connect and power the radio on. If this does not correct the issue, restart the Device Programmer PC. - The “In-Use (Radios)” count reflects the number of radios referencing a specific template, and also includes those radios that were previously referencing the template prior to being changed to a different template, where the changes are still pending. Once those pending changes have been written to the radio, the reference count will decrease. - If a Read/Write job is imported into an online Device Programmer (DP) that has the radio connected and that DP was also used to export the same job through offline programming, a problem may be encountered where the job is not performed in the DP. In this scenario, the user should not use offline programming. Instead, the Read/Write job should be performed directly through updates from the RM Server, since the DP is now online. If this problem is encountered, restarting the DP Service will allow the job to be completed. - In rare instances the radio may not be recognized as a USB device after it gets connected once the CPS is installed and this message gets displayed “Could not find a radio connected to a USB port”, please make sure that under Device Manager-> Network adapters, the radio is added as “Motorola APX Series Radio”, if not, please contact customer service for directions. - In rare instances the ASK (Advanced System Key) cannot be accessed after installing the CPS/RM, please disable the driver from the Device Manager->1-Wire and re-install it again by inserting the key in the USB port. - When migrating from R14.00.01 or earlier and enabling “Enable Computer Authorization” in the RM server Utility -> Machine Authorization, please re-enter the list of all authorized computers including the server. After turning on “Enable computer authorization”, please restart all the RM services listed in the RM Server Utility's Status screen as well as the Job Processor and Device Programmer services in each of the authorized computers in the list. - When importing a .xls or .xlsx file into Radio Management, the header must be listed twice in order for the file to get imported correctly. - Radio Management/CPS for Firmware Changes over LMR: - In order to configure POP25 via Radio Management to upgrade radio software (firmware) over the air, it is necessary for the Device Programmer host machine to have connectivity to the Group Data Gateway (GDG) and the Provisioning Manager (PM), in addition to the Presence Notifier (PN, aka UNS, aka, ARS, aka IMW) and the Packet Data Gateway (PDEG). In order for the Device Programmer to be able to communicate with the GDG and the PM, the source TCP port must be configured using the following command: netsh int ipv4 set dynamicport tcp start=[range1] num=[range2] where range1 is greater than 52152 and range2 is equal to (64510-range1). For example: netsh int ipv4 set dynamicport tcp start=52153 num=12357 - If your OTA Firmware Download job execution is stuck on 99%, cancel the job, schedule read operation and repeat job again. - If your OTAP job execution is stuck on 99%, please cancel the job and start again. - In CPS, a non-Bluetooth audio device's volume may be lower than expected. - In CPS, a duplicated TTS Zone Voice Control Name remains invalid even after its duplicate is deleted. If this occurs, please rename the remaining duplication to fix its validity. - In CPS, during data transfers such as Drag and Drop or Import/Export, Selected Menu Items will not be copied over if there is at least one selected menu item in the source codeplug which is not supported in the target. - Added support for determining total codeplug size. CPS will not permit a codeplug with a packed size (the size of the image that will be programmed into the device) larger than 3 MB to be written to the radio. During a read, write or clone the size of the packed codeplug (in MB) will be displayed in the CPS Output window. - If write or clone fails due to the packed codeplug size exceeding the limitation, we recommend deleting least used Voice Announcements or TTS Announcements to reduce the total size. - Disclaimer: The 3MB file size cannot be determined by referencing the .mc file created by CPS/RM. Installation: Please refer to the Radio Management System Planner available through Motorola’s Learning Management System / LXP (https://learning.motorolasolutions.com/reference-guide/18714enus) for Installation and Deployment information. Connecting the PC to the Radio: - Only use the following direct PC to radio cables: - PMKN4013C for the portable radios - HKN6184A for the mobile radios - When using the USB cable, be sure to click “Yes” on the Digital Signature window whenever it is displayed by the operating system. Wait until the radio enumerates on the PC before attempting to read or program the radio (5-7 seconds on Window 7). Not waiting for enumeration will cause the read or write to fail. - Communication issues between the CPS and the radio might be encountered due to firewall settings. Certain aspects of Proventia Desktop, BlackICE, and any other software that affects networking capability may need to be disabled. These programs can interfere with the APX CPS's ability to read from and write to the radio. If BlackICE is installed and required for the PC, the BlackICE service may need to be stopped in order to successfully communicate with the radio. - To prevent intermittent Blue Screen Windows crashes when attaching or detaching an APX radio to a PC using USB, verify that the Nortel Connectivity VPN Client Software is not installed on the PC. If it is installed and required for the PC, ensure that the EACFILT.sys driver is disabled on the “Motorola APX Series Radio” connection by performing the following steps: 1. Open Network connections (Start->Settings->Network Connections) 2. Under LAN, right click on the “Motorola APX Series Radio” connection and select properties 3. Uncheck the Eacfilt check box. - If the wireless Internet connection on the laptop/PC gets disabled when attaching the Motorola APX radio to the Laptop/PC or if OTAP fails during wired read/write/clone, follow these troubleshooting steps shown below to address the problem: Windows 10/ Windows 11: 1. Go to Control Panel->Network and Internet->Network and Sharing Center 2. Click on the Change Adapter settings in the left side of the window. 3. Click on the Local Area Connection associated with the “Motorola APX Series Radio” device (example: Local Area Connection 7) 4. Click on Properties 5. Select Internet Protocol Version 4, Click on Properties 6. Click on Advanced, uncheck Automatic metric and set Interface metric to be greater than any other network connection 7. Click on OK, OK, Close, and Close NOTE: To check the metric used by other network connections 1. Click Start->All Programs->Accessories 2. Right click Command Prompt and select Run as administrator 3. In the cmd window type route print 4. Look for network destination and Interface ip of the other network card(s) 5. The last column is Metric, set the radio metric higher than any other network connection NOTE: This issue may also occur if the wireless driver utility is configured to disable Wi-Fi until all wired network connections are disconnected. Ensure that any such a setting is disabled, so that the wireless connection stays active even when a wired link is present. - Disable “Netbios over TCP/IP”. This will help reduce unnecessary traffic sent to the radio by the PC. Follow these steps: 1. Open Network Connections explorer window: Start->Settings->Control Panel->Network Connections (right click and select Open) 2. Right-click on the LAN connection associated with “Motorola APX Series Radio” and select properties 3. Select “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)” and click Properties 4. Click Advanced button on the General page (bottom right) 5. Select the WINS tab 6. Select “Disable Netbios over TCP/IP” 7. Click OK on the pages opened for the setting to take effect - On the Motorola APX Series Radio LAN connection, uncheck unused items. The LAN connection on the PC only requires the Internet Protocol to communicate with the Radio. This ensures the other unused items don't create any undesirable effects when communicating with the radio device. Follow these steps: 1. Open Network Connections explorer window: Start->Settings->Control Panel->Network Connections (right click and select Open) 2. Right-click on the LAN connection associated with “Motorola APX Series Radio” and select properties 3. On the General Tab, under the section “This Connection uses the following items” uncheck all items except for Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). 4. If the PC supports both IPv4 and IPv6, keep both IPv4 and IPv6 checked - NetMotion wireless LAN software will interfere with radio programming. When the radio registers on the system with an IP Address, the NetMotion software detects it and tries to manage it as a network. Please disable this software in order to program radios with the CPS. POP25 Operations: - TCP Retransmissions values on the PC need to be set higher in order for POP25 programming to work effectively. Motorola recommends that the following registry keys are created if they do not already exist on the PC and set to the following values: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Tcpip\\Parameters\\TcpMaxDataRetransmissions - 5 or more HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Tcpip\\Parameters\\TcpMaxConnectRetransmissions - 3 or more These values should be created as DWORD (32-bit) Values. Navigate to the registry path (using Regedit application), right mouse-click and select New -> DWORD (32-bit) Value. Type the correct entry name as shown above. Right mouse-click on the entry and select Modify... and type the value in the Value data field. For help on editing registry values, read Microsoft online support: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-US/troubleshoot/windows-server/performance/windows-registry-advanced-users - While the POP25 operation is in progress, do NOT attempt to start a second session until the first session is done. - It is recommended to use batch programming if more than 16 radios need to be programmed in a single session. - If using Windows Firewall, it may prevent the CPS from connecting to the ARS (PN Server). In order to allow the CPS to work through Windows Firewall if it is turned on, follow these steps: 1. Go to the Control Panel -> System and Security 2. Select “Allow a program through Windows Firewall” under Windows Firewall selection 3. Select Change Settings to enable “Allow another program” button 4. Click “Allow another program” button and add the CPS Conventional POP25 Operations: - Please note that Conventional POP25 requires the MTU size to be set to 512 bytes. The Maximum Transfer Unit (MTU) size of an over-the-air datagram is 512 bytes plus a 13 byte encryption header if secure messaging is being used, resulting in an overall total datagram size of 525 bytes. - If excessive failures occur when doing Conventional POP25 on Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 10 Operating Systems please do the following: 1. Open a command line window as an Administrator (ie. right click on All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt and select Run as administrator)… 2. Type the command netsh and wait for prompt 3. Type the command interface and wait for prompt 4. Type the command ipv4 and wait for prompt 5. Type the command set global minmtu=512 (Windows 10 only) 6. Type the command show subinterfaces from the ipv4 prompt and to see a list of interfaces. 7. The connection interface being used should be listed under the Interface heading in the result list: 8. Type the command set subinterface "" mtu=512 store=persistent - For example, set subinterface "Local Area Connection 3" mtu=512 store=persistent from the ipv4 prompt and to set the MTU size. Long Cable Configuration: The following steps will need to be completed to change to a Long Cable Configuration: 1. A Flash Upgrade with the existing radio configuration will need to be completed using the standard cable. 2. Within the CPS, set the field “Aggregate Cable Length” to “Greater than 40 m”. 3. Program the radio (use standard cable). 4. On the Control Head, change the control head ID to A or B: 5. Cycle power on the control head and immediately hold down the following keys Orange Button (Emergency) and the left-most menu button. A number (example: “1”) will be displayed, indicating the control head ID. Change the control head ID by rotating the Mode Button from number 1 to A or B. 6. Cycle power on the radio and ensure that it restarts without errors. 7. Remove power from the radio. 8. Exchange the standard cable for the long cable. 9. Apply power to the radio and ensure that it restarts without errors. Programming Hints: - To get help on a field, open the Field Information window (on the right of the CPS screen) while focus is on the field. Pin the Field Information window by clicking on the thumbtack icon at the top right of the Field Information window. - View the “What’s New” information on the Home Mode screen and view the Help Tutorials to learn about productivity enhancing features, such as Codeplug Comparison, Undo/Redo, and Restore to Default. - The APX CPS does not support Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS). - Do not remove the ASK while the computer is in sleep mode. - When using concurrent programming via RM, each radio must have a unique IP address. - To view any System Keys that are loaded during startup, click on the System Key Report window under the Windows menu. Legal Notices: This media, or Motorola Product, may include Publicly Available Software (Open Source Software, Freeware, Shareware). Please reference the Motorola Publicly Available Software Legal Notices File, MOTOROLA_OSS_LEGAL_NOTICES_FILE-CPS.txt, located in the Legal folder found in the CPS installation directory, for the Publicly Available Software licensing terms, attributions, acknowledgements, and other software information details. For Customer service support, please call 1-800-927-2744. }